Code of Ethics of Peruvian Engineers Association
The Code of Ethics of the Peruvian Engineers Association contains the duties, values, and ethical and moral norms governing the practice of engineering in the country.
Engineering is an important profession with significant impact in the wellbeing and progress of society. Engineers are expected to exhibit the highest standards of integrity, honesty, responsibility and seriousness in the fulfillment of their professional activities, taking caring of the protection of public health, safety and welfare.
Engineers should promote and defend the integrity, honor and dignity of the profession, contributing with their work and conduct to the creation of a public consensus of respect and appraisal of the engineering making it a prestigious and transcendental profession.
Engineers recognize and make theirs the principles, norms and code of ethics of the Peruvian Engineers Association. Engineers having knowledge of any alleged violation of this Code shall report thereon to appropriate professional bodies and, when relevant, also to public authorities, and cooperate with the proper authorities in furnishing such information or assistance as may be required.
In the following, the main points and clauses of the Code of Ethics of the Peruvian Engineers Association of Peru will be presented. The complete Code can be found in the web site:
Regarding to Relationship with Society
- Engineers must realize that health, safety, good and welfare of the pubic, as well as the country technological development, depend on engineers judges and decisions incorporated in devices, buildings, structures, machines products, software and processes. For no reason they will put their knowledge at the service of everything that affects peace and health.
- Engineers shall care that economic, natural and material and human resources are rationally and appropriately used, avoiding their abuse or waste, ensuring the fulfillment of environmental preservation norms and regulations.
- Engineers shall practice engineering according to technical and scientific rules, diligently proceeding and authorizing drawings and documents only when they are adequate and safe, according to the rules of engineering.
- Engineers who notice facts or conditions that may threaten the life, health, safety or property should draw the attention, directly or through the Regional Ethics Tribunal, of the corresponding responsible entities and competent authorities.
Regarding to Relationship with the Public
- Engineers shall be objective and truthful in their reports, statements or professional testimonies. Engineers shall express opinions on engineering issues and facts only when they are based on a proper analysis and knowledge of facts based on technical competence and sincere conviction.
- Engineers, when explaining their work merits or emit opinions on engineering facts, shall act with seriousness and conviction, being careful for not creating conflicts of interest, striving to explain and broad the public knowledge about engineering and the services it provides to society.
- Engineers shall not participate in the dissemination of false, unfair or exaggerated concepts about engineering and its products, methods and techniques, in public or private activity.
Regarding to Professional Competence and Development
- Engineers shall perform engineering work only when they have knowledge and skills or experience in the specific field of engineering concerned.
- Engineers must not accept jobs and duties that require knowledge and skills different to his/her field of expertise. Their services must be limited to those aspects for which they are truly qualified.
- Engineers shall validate drawings, documents and work only when they have been prepared for them, or carried out under his/her supervision.
- Engineers must keep their knowledge continuously updated through such means as continuing education courses, technical material reading, participation in technical meetings and seminars, and professional practice.
Regarding to Personal Promotion and Marketing
- Engineers may promote their professional services only when it does not contain misleading or boastful information, or in any way demeaning of the profession.
When promoting their services, engineers shall not guarantee results when technical, economic or social reasons make them impossible to fulfill.
Regarding the Arrangement of Professional Services
- Engineers must form their professional reputation based on the quality of their professional services and must compete in a unfairly or unjustly way.
- Engineers shall not attempt to obtain, offer to undertake, or accept contracts for which other engineers have been already selected, unless they have evidence that the employment of the other engineers have concluded.
- Engineers shall not accept compensation from more than one source for the same work, unless the facts are fully known and expressly accepted by the parties concerned.
- Engineers shall not accept work in conditions of term, fees, salaries, payment or other that may affect their professional judgment or the quality of their services.
Regarding the Provision of Professional Services
- Engineers shall faithfully serve their employers and clients.
- Engineers shall avoid foreseen of foreseeable conflicts of interests with their employers or clients and shall promptly inform them of the existence of any association, relationship or circumstance that may affect their engineering judgment or the quality of their professional services.
- Engineers must notify to their employees or customers if they consider that the entrusted work will not attain have the expected success.
- Engineers must maintain secrecy and discretion regarding any data and fact related to their clients or employers provided they do not contravene this code or the law requires them to lift the confidentiality.
Regarding the Relationship with Personnel
- Engineers who act as employers or responsible officials should fully guarantee the civil and labor rights of the dependent personnel.
- Engineers must keep to colleagues and personnel a nondiscriminatory treatment respect to working conditions, opportunities and human relationships, providing in due time, the remunerations commensurate to the professional nature and importance of the work.
- Engineers are required to care for and respect to his staff, ensuring their safety, wellbeing and health.
Regarding the Relationship with Colleagues
- Engineers shall give due recognition to the work of other engineers and respect the business interests of others.
- Engineers shall not review or emit opinion on fellow engineers work for the same client, unless the latter are aware of it.
- Engineers will refrain from publicly issuing adverse judgments on the actions of their colleagues or pointing professional mistakes and not damage the reputation of other professionals, unless it is necessary for compelling reasons of public interest.
- Engineers shall not associate with persons or firms engaged in fraudulent trade or professional practice, dishonest or unethical behavior, nor allow the use of their names or their companies on commercial activities undertaken by such individuals or firms.
- Engineers in no case shall attribute to themselves the authorship of the works carried out by other engineers.